lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

Watch Where We End Up

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It's Monday morning. It's the beginning of a new week. Ugh. I can't wait for school to be over and graduate but at the same time, collage won't be the same as high school and somehow, in a twisted weird way, I'm gonna miss that.

Long story short, yesterday the boys had a rumble and guess what? We beat those greasers pretty good. Not that I had expected otherwise. Daemon was over at my house and around 7:30 told me had to go pick up the guys. I'm not the kind of girlfriend that begs her boyfriend to stay with her. I'm not possessive and Daemon has his own life, just as I have mine. I kissed him in the lips just before he went. It was a long and passionate kiss. Just the kind to wish him good luck in the rumble.

After he left I went to my room and called Lacey and the other girls who's boyfriends and male friends were probably on their way to the rumble too. It was a tiny one by the look of things, but still, those boys never miss one. After I hanged up on Lacey and waited for them to arrive, I silently prayed for Daemon to come back in one piece. It's not that he can't take them, I have seen him fight and he's one hell of a rumbler, but I don't know, those boys get pretty nasty and play dirty.

With the girls, we started watching some movies and I took out my special 'In case of a rumble open this' kit, containing wine bottles and cups. Fancy. After and hour or so, the boys knocked on my door and when I saw Daemon safe and sound my heart felt relief. "We won!" He said enthustically and kissed me in victory trying to not spill me with blood but me not caring about it. After a long five minute kiss and several 'get a room' comments, we split. "So how was it?" I asked Daemon. He smiled and led me to my room. My parents weren't home, they would get back on Wednesday, but still, Charles didn't appreciate blood all over his carpet, so we moved.

"It was a small fight but still plenty of greasers showed up. They even brought their own girls." He said high fiveing with Lacey's boyfriends. I gave him a small 'what did you do?' expression. "We didn't touch them, if that's what you're thinking, though I can't say the same for Paul's friends. They get pretty nasty and those girls don't specifically dress like women, so it's easy to confuse them with guys. Though we knew who was who from previous rumbles. Those girls have like a ton of brothers protecting them, so getting near them results in getting beat up by one of them. Though the strong big one Darrel Curtis wasn't here today, wondered why, so it was easy to take on his brothers and yeah sister." He winked again at Lacey's boyfriend and he laughed. "But damn do they bite and kick." He said rubbing his shoulder and revealing a pretty bad looking bruise. "Anyway, after 30 minutes the first greasers start leaving but the rest continue to fight, and just for the hell of it we continue to fight too. That was until we kick Tim Sheppard and his gang out of our territory. Those freaks won't be having anything to be proud of for the rest of the month." He said with a smile. I smiled too and kissed him.

"I say we celebrate our victory and party hard within the night. After all, we're still young." I said and winked at my friends.

martes, 30 de marzo de 2010

Me, Myself, and I

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My parents always say that life is not all about me, but guess what, it is, at some point. Marianne Williamson wrote a conmemorative speech called 'Our Deepest Fear'. "We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,talented and fabulous?Actually who are we not to be? Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you." See? There is nothing wrong in thinking that the world does revolve around me. If you think about it. It does. Mine at least. Cause every step and every event in my life is viewed from my perspective. So go figure.

So, intending that this blog is about me, I'll share with you, boys and girls, first-name basic information about me. I'm a socs girl. Always have, always will. I wouldn't dream of have been born in the North Side. Oh no. Horrifying dream. Am I prejudist? You could say that. Or you could also say that I have no interest in living my life as a greaser and I absolutley adore being a rich girl. In this world, it's the closest thing to reality.

Lorraine Xendra Waldorf. A name you ought to never forget. For many, it is a one-way ticket to a life of luxuries. I will never deny that. I know people use me to get things in return. What do I do about it? Nothing but cross my arms and enjoy the ride. I don't get mad. I give it twice as hard. In other words, don't mess with me if you can't stand the ride.

I'm an only child. Spoiled? Perhaps. Dependson what your definition of spoiled is. That I have been given everything I want, yes I have. I consider myself full of luck. I don't mind greaser boys, but if there is one thing I can't stand, are greaser girls. It is an insult to their way of life. Despite their low resources in income, they should have at least a decent physical apperance and way of life. Seeing them around in clothes that barely hide what it ought to be covered and wear too much make-up makes me think of them as nothing more than white trash. Then, yes, I don't like greaser girls and yes, maybe I do enjoy making their lives more miserable, but hey, no one ins 100% good or evil. 50-50. And besides, that's my most important source of entertainment.



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